Monthly Archives: June, 2016

Making Effective Use of Social Media sites in Internet Marketing

You may have heard of many of the current social media sites and you probably know that they are designed to help people stay in touch with other people.

What you may not realize is these social sites are also tremendous marketing tools. Here’s a few tips on how you can use social sites to reach millions of potential customers.

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After you have your social site set up, you want to attract people. The only legitimate way to do that is by providing outstanding content that people will want to share. Nobody can tell in advance when something will go viral. If you check the charts at the most popular video sharing sites, or visit popular image sharing sites, you’ll see that people tend to share different types of things from one day to the next.

One thing, however, that many viral posts have in common is that they are entertaining and fast paced — making them easy to share. Remember that you are operating a business and therefore you must develop a business strategy. Everything that goes on your page should be thought out. Develop posts that are fun and fast paced — but with a purpose.

For example, try asking your readers to participate in a quiz, game or activity. Post the questions on your social page, but put the answers on your blog and provide a link.

The same thing can be done with word games and trivia quizzes.

Another idea might be to post a large number of photos on your blog. Put one or two of them on your social site. Let your readers know that more photos may be viewed on your blog — and then provide them a link to take them there. Other popular posts that stand a chance of going viral are top 10 lists, best of lists, 10 worst lists, and things like that. Put one or two examples on your social media page and then send readers to your blog to see the rest.

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Does your social media site have a survey maker? If so use it! Your questions may be business related, but they should also be light and fun. You might ask readers what they’d like to see from your company in the future.

Ask the questions on your social page and then put the responses on your blog — with a handy link your readers can use to get there.

Social media is all about getting together with people and collaborating on things. Just remember, people go to social sites to have fun, not read ads. As long as you keep the information on your site light and fun, there is a good chance it will be shared. A handy rule of thumb is to start the fun on your social site and finish it on your blog.

Many successful Internet marketers have used social media sites to drive thousands, even millions, of visitors to their websites. We hope these suggestions will help you to do the same.


Networking Is Breakfast of Champions! Learning To Use Social Media Marketing For Business

Networking Is Breakfast of Champions!

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Chances are, you have already been using social media. You probably have a Facebook account, a Twitter account, and a few more accounts around the web.

You are likely already used to using each of the sites, but you might not have started using them for business. When you use the sites for business, you have to act slightly differently. After all, you are trying to get more sales. Here are some ways for you to start thinking differently of social media marketing, so you can use it for your business.

The first thing you need to do is to find out where your target market goes. For instance, if you are trying to reach teenagers, you will have better luck on Tumblr than you will have on Facebook. Don’t waste your time and think you’ll use all the social media sites. Stick to the ones that your target market are already using and enjoying.

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Next, remember your own preferences on social media. Do you like reading 30 updates every day from the businesses you follow?

Probably not. Remember that social media is not the place for the hard sell. Social media is best used to build relationships and to gently guide people to your site. It is not so you can spam the people you want to buy your products.

Remain professional. It is very easy for you to make the mistake of thinking that social media is a place for you to be relaxed. While the hard sell is inappropriate, beware of being too familiar as well. Keep language clean and remember that you are operating in a business capacity. Save the tweets about your cat and your lunch for your personal profiles.

Ignore negativity. Sometimes, you are going to run across those who are just plain nasty. They will say mean things to you, and will taunt you. It is best to remember that you must take the high ground. Don’t allow others to bring you down to a low level. People will lose respect for you, and you will not gain anything from getting into an argument on the internet.

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Provide good content. This is something that will get your content shared time and time again.

You need to make sure that you are giving people information that is not only interesting, but relevant to them and their needs. If they get fired up about your information, they will be quick to share it, and you’ll enjoy even more followers. You can even ask your fans and followers what they would like to see, so that you can better serve them and keep them interested.

After reading this article, you should have a better idea of how you can use social media for your company. There are certain steps you can take, and this article has outlined some of the best ways for you to do that. Use the information here, and you will discover that you can build a loyal following with social media marketing.

To your success.